Horizon Therapies Swansea

Counselling and Complementary Therapies in Swansea

February 14, 2018

The Power of NOW

One of the most beautifully written, effective self help books that I recommend to clients is Eckhart Tolle’s ‘Practising the Power of Now’. Slim and easy to read, the message is overwhelmingly powerful. When we are troubled, or in emotional … Continue reading

April 24, 2017

A Milestone Passed

Zodiac Complementary Therapy have offered many of their services through Horizon over many years. To quote their website: “After 35 years of successful trading, Zodiac Complementary Therapy will be closing its doors on the 1st of September 2017 to start … Continue reading

December 28, 2016

As 2017 looms …

As the New Year has nearly begun, it’s a good time to reflect on the last one, while looking forward to 2017. We’ve had a lovely year at Horizon, with some exciting new therapies being offered along side our time … Continue reading

March 31, 2016

New Mindfulness Group!

For those interested in Mindfulness, I’m so pleased to be able to announce a new group that will be held in Horizon every Tuesday night at 7pm. Helen Lewis is an experienced Mindfulness group facilitator, and will be offering a … Continue reading

November 23, 2015

As Winter Deepens

Sometimes looking after yourself properly in a demanding world just isn’t possible. Like this time of year: today you had less light, tomorrow you will have less light still. Just as the yin turns to yang as it attains its … Continue reading

October 14, 2015

Autumnal Growth

October is in many ways a better time to start new things and make new resolutions than January. During the long hot summer, or in our case moderately warm changeable summer we’ve had time to reflect on how our life … Continue reading

April 17, 2015

Spring Forward to the New

Spring has sprung, and it feels as though after the dark winter a fresh new excitement is resonating through Horizon, not least because of the new therapists who have come on board and are bringing new practices to complement our … Continue reading

November 21, 2014

Holidays and Other Gifts

I’ve had a wonderful break, enjoying the sights, sounds and tastes of India, or a small part of it, anyway. As well as the Taj Mahal, another wonder I experienced was the practice of holding outdoor yoga sessions in the … Continue reading